Anke Mayfarth is attending the value-based healthcare seminar at TU Berlin
October 7, 2024TEDIRO visiting Japan with the German Accelerator
December 1, 2024TEDIRO obtains financial support for quality management system
TEDIRO obtains financial support for quality management system
TEDIRO receives financial support from the Free State of Thuringia, co-financed by the European Union, for for the implementation of a quality management system by a quality management officer.
As a medical device manufacturer, TEDIRO is required to maintain a quality management system (QMS). For the implementation of this QMS, TEDIRO is now receiving financial support from the Thüringer Aufbaubank from state funds, co-financed by funds from the European Social Fund (ESF+), as part of the FTI-Personen guideline.
TEDIRO obtains financial support for the implementation of a quality management system.